Monday, March 22, 2010

favorite book as a child


My favorite all-time book is not just one book, it is a whole series of books by Janet Evanovich. These books are not memorable because of any specific words of wisdom I read in them, although they are very humorous and entertaining. However, that is not why they are so memorable to me. I grew up having books read to me, my home was always full of books, but I never really had a love of reading. I read what was required in school so I could get good grades, but I would never voluntarily pick up a book to read in my free time. About the time I was in middle school, my mom started reading books by Janet Evanovich. I would hear her laughing in bed as she read her way through the series. One day I picked up the first book in the series. From that point, I was hooked. After I finished the series, I went on to authors who wrote similar books. Then, I started reading anything I could find. Reading those Janet Evanovich books enabled me to see I had a love of reading and books which I know will continue throughout my life.

The Brothers Karamazov

      The Brothers Karamazov

This book wasn’t a favorite of mine. A dysfunctional family, evil and moral people, religious issues, great twists, and a love triangle should have been the basis of a really enjoyable book. However, the length and details Fyodor Dostoevsky used made it somewhat confusing and a real chore for me to read. I am used to reading long books and usually don’t get bogged down in the middle, but this book tested my resolve to finish it. I found it difficult to find enough totally quiet time to concentrate on this book in the time allowed. After some confusion in the beginning keeping the characters straight, one of the things I did really enjoy was the character development.

Karamazov is a very selfish and needy man who seeks acceptance from everyone. He is an actor and will play the fool to get attention. The sons have completely different personalities, A couple are sensualists who get involved with other characters who seem to hurt them more than help. The women in this book are very strong and seem to be temptresses who never seem to know what they want, but won’t let any of the men go.

The main problem I had with the book is that it starts out very slow and it took my total concentration to understand most of what was written. By spring break, I was only half finished with the book. I was pretty panicky, so I bought the book on tape, and I am so glad I did. I enjoyed the book more hearing the rest read by a reader who was Russian.

is it better to travel to places or read about them

Is it better to travel to places or read about them?

When I first read this question, I thought there could only be one answer. Of course it is better to visit a place in person than just read about it. Surely the experiences I’ve had in the places I have visited would not have been as vivid if had only read about them.

I probably would have visited Mexico last year without ever reading about it, but I don’t think

the experience would have been as memorable if I had not read about it before I left. I know I

wouldn’t have taken a side trip to Xcaret if I hadn’t read about it being a great example of the

Mayan civilization.

I would hate to never have had the experience of summer trips to my family’s cabin. Reading about

picking huckleberries on a mountains so steep you had to hold onto the bushes to be able to stand up

while keeping a watch out for bears who feel the mountain and its huckleberries belong exclusively

to them would not be the same as actually being there. However, part of the charm of the cabin is

knowing its history, looking at pictures of long gone relatives, and reading what they wrote about

their experiences building the cabin almost 100 years ago. Reading about places gives a person the

ability to visit anywhere your imagination takes you. If I had to give up traveling or reading about,

travel, I would have to give up traveling. I agree with Dr. Seuss who said, “The more you read,

the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more place you’ll go.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Molly Hughes

How do I say what I want you to hear

To understand the words I do not speak

With help, and support, you always appear

As ally, and light in my crazy week

You smile, and you listen to all my woes

Put up with my moods, myself and my mess

What is it about you, I can just guess

I can’t quite write it in what I compose

But with your goodness, you do have a flaw

Dog hairs that get on my clothes and my floor

Speeding through life , I am always in awe

The love you give and your face at the door.

My dog, you’re the one who is always there

An ear for my voice, a story to share

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

found poem on back of laundry detergent


directions for use

top-loading washer

start washer

add laundry sheet

add clothes

front-loading washer

add laundry sheet

add clothes

regular load

one laundry sheet

extra large load

two laundry sheets

purex complete





one powerful sheet

from washer

to dryer

Found poem

Girl Scouts

Delicious, Thin Mints

Customer Service

Open here

Encourage Courage, Confidence & Character

Calories: 160

Encourage Financial skills, Money Management, & Teamwork

Nutrition Facts: Wheat, Milk, Soy

Girl Scout Cookies

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Female Archetypes

imgres.jpg Venus of Willendorf

imgres.jpg Goddess Kali

imgres.jpg Goddess Sophia

imgres.jpg Triple Goddess

Notes for Feb 26

Araby he is blinded by love

Big part of us in and under the surface is the id, ego, and super ego. Id- is the primal needs, ego- is what we see socially, and the super ego is the devil vs angel. The immediate needs.

The collective unconscious- dreams of things that aren't in your life, but in others

Theory-( a dream, fantasy, literature)
people hero, well defined, divided adventures 22 stages, good hero bad hero

Forms of a hero-scape goat-persons who's death is for the sin of the community. Outcast- banished from social group. Devil- evil, exchange for soul.

Archetypes hero good bad, scape goat, devil, wise old man, trickster, individualist, doppelganger

female archetype- element transform positive negative. venus of willendorf- naked obese woman earth mother, negative smother mother goddess callie, necklace of skulls apron of hands, temptress- seduce protagonist, sophia muse inspiration

white goddess

three aspects of women 1 maiden 2 mother 3 crone