Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Notes for Feb 26

Araby he is blinded by love

Big part of us in and under the surface is the id, ego, and super ego. Id- is the primal needs, ego- is what we see socially, and the super ego is the devil vs angel. The immediate needs.

The collective unconscious- dreams of things that aren't in your life, but in others

Theory-( a dream, fantasy, literature)
people hero, well defined, divided adventures 22 stages, good hero bad hero

Forms of a hero-scape goat-persons who's death is for the sin of the community. Outcast- banished from social group. Devil- evil, exchange for soul.

Archetypes hero good bad, scape goat, devil, wise old man, trickster, individualist, doppelganger

female archetype- element transform positive negative. venus of willendorf- naked obese woman earth mother, negative smother mother goddess callie, necklace of skulls apron of hands, temptress- seduce protagonist, sophia muse inspiration

white goddess

three aspects of women 1 maiden 2 mother 3 crone

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