Monday, March 22, 2010

favorite book as a child


My favorite all-time book is not just one book, it is a whole series of books by Janet Evanovich. These books are not memorable because of any specific words of wisdom I read in them, although they are very humorous and entertaining. However, that is not why they are so memorable to me. I grew up having books read to me, my home was always full of books, but I never really had a love of reading. I read what was required in school so I could get good grades, but I would never voluntarily pick up a book to read in my free time. About the time I was in middle school, my mom started reading books by Janet Evanovich. I would hear her laughing in bed as she read her way through the series. One day I picked up the first book in the series. From that point, I was hooked. After I finished the series, I went on to authors who wrote similar books. Then, I started reading anything I could find. Reading those Janet Evanovich books enabled me to see I had a love of reading and books which I know will continue throughout my life.

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