Sunday, April 11, 2010

If I could create a perfect world for everyone on the planet through the suffering of just one single child, I am not sure I would be strong enough to make decision that would be best for the majority of people in the world.. Every day millions of children suffer from everything from disease to abuse and starvation. I think that the right thing to do would be to reduce the suffering of millions of people’s at the expense of just one child. However, if I had to live everyday knowing that there was a child suffering to ensure my happiness, I don’t think I would be truly happy. It would be horribly difficult to be responsible for the suffering of even just one child.

Living in the world we do, I don’t think there is anyone who really knows what it would be like to live in a utopia. I would rather live in a world full of conflicts than thrive off of another’s life. If we lived in a world without any problems, how do people form any individuality? I believe we form our personality and develop strengths and weaknesses from the way we handle conflict and deal with problems. If no one had a bad day, was in a bad mood, or did something that they later regretted, wouldn’t everyone be the same? I just cannot imagine how happiness could exist in a society like that. I cannot even comprehend what a utopian society would be like, however I am sure I would not want to live in a society that thrives off the suffering of a child.

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