Thursday, February 4, 2010



I definitely like the Disney version of Cinderella the best. It is the one I grew up on. To me it is the classic. I actually like that it is shorter with less details than the Grim or Chinese version. Every little girl when she hears it or reads it can pretend that she is Cinderella. Her imagination will fill in the details that are missing in this milder and shorter version of the original. There is nothing in it to frighten anyone. i

Since I am a fan of the Disney version, I am positive Cinderella and the prince lived happily ever after.

However, as an alternative ending…

Shortly after the wedding the prince came to realize that although Cinderella was beautiful to look at and she did have those dainty little feet, she also had some weird habits like talking to animals and sitting in the ashes. She had dismissed all of the palace servants and spent her days doing nothing but cleaning and singing. She had very little time for the prince and he started getting annoyed with her. He finally had to check her into a sanitarium when he walked into the castle and found her singing to the rats and trying to turn a pumpkin into a coach. Luckily, Cinderella’s step sisters were right there to console the prince, and they lived happily ever after.

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