Thursday, February 4, 2010

Groundhogs Day

Assignment on Groundhog Day

Wake up at 6am and record your day

February 2

7:30 Alarm went off. I looked at my clock

7:45 I kicked off my comforter, and climbed down the loft

      I rushed to bathroom with towel, hair dryer and shower tote. I brushed my teeth, went to shower, shampooed, conditioned my hair, shaved, and used body wash

      8:10 Back in room Roommate is still asleep I tell her the time, look for clothes n deodorant, tried on three shirts, and two pair of pants, threw the rest on the floor

      8:26 Finished curling my hair, sprayed it with hair spray, put on makeup including eye shadow, liner, blush and lip gloss

      8:30 Grab socks, shoes, pack books for web design class, grab gum, keys, Ipod and phone, put on coat, perfume and go downstairs where I fill water bottle with ice and water

8:40 Eat yogurt and string cheese

      8:47 Walk outside and wait for roommate We walk past Pike to art building I talk with mom on phone about Groundhog day She said he saw his shadow

      8:55 I sit on the third isle, six chairs in Check clock every five minutes. Very boring lecture on cascading style sheets. Make plans with my partner to meet at seven to work on lab. I’m about to fall asleep.

9:48 Two minutes till I get out, then no class till twelve

9:50 Walk outside with Sam, then lose him after a block. Walk back to sorority

10:05 Go up to my room and watch an episode of bones. Take a short nap.

      Went downstairs and eat lunch with sisters and house boys. It’s homemade pizza’s.

      11:30 Get ready for my Math class, grab book, notebook, calculator, ipod and purse

11:50 Walk with Lotte and Jamie to next class go in sit where Ican find a seat.

      12:25 We are going through old notes and learning new ways to teach kids how to do distribution. Get out gum and offer it around.

12:50 Class is done I have one hour and twenty minutes till next class

1:00 Just sitting in the dining room nothing to do for an hour.

      1:50 Get ready for writing class Check to make sure i have all my papers go to computer print off what I was missing. Walk to class listening to “my cowboy”.

      2:10-3:25 Listen to professor talk about different cultures, writing center, and projects.

      3:40 Get a call from a sister. She wants to go to walMart. Ii go upstairs unpack my bag look for money, grab different shoes, and we walk to her car. Get in drive to walMart look at candy then hair products, make up, go to the movies, go to check out. I bought chocolate and a ruler.

      4:50 Head to sally’s to get hair scissors and a comb. We look at all the round brushes and curing irons

      5:25 Head back to the house. We go upstairs, she cuts my bangs. Dinner is ready. Eat chicken, pasta, asparagus and garlic bread. Go upstairs type more of the journal. Just waiting for seven so I can get the web lab done. Invited to go bowling in the sub Can’t go, Get a call from lee to go get pizza can’t. Kristen comes up and offers to drive to billings on friday.

5:53 Do homework for Wednesday. watch bones with my sorority sisters

7:30 Clean my room it’s horribly messy

8:00 Play on my computer Facebook, videos, math homework.

9:00 Get ready for bed

This was just an ordinary day. I just wrote what I did. I didn’t write about my feelings, what things looked like, how I felt, what I could smell and what I could see. How I looked at things during the day totally depended on my mood. When I was rushed, I didn’t have time to really enjoy things like breakfast. When I was relaxed at lunch the food tasted better and I had time to really listen to what people were saying. Doing this made me realize what a busy world we live in. Billions of people running around doing their thing, seeing, smelling, and hearing maybe similar things, but all looking at them a little bit different.

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